Applied Plant Science UIAM Kuantan

Bachelor of Applied plant Science in IIUM Kuantan
Post ni saya dah published di wordpress 2 years ago. you can visit and read there. Special for You, the Heartbreakers…
The story begins when all IIUM students got their results and offer letter for the degree. For biology students, we have 5 courses for the degree. And of course plant science among the list. Some of my friends chose Applied Chemistry as they want to be a chemist in the future. Some of them chose Biotechnology. All praises to God. Alhamdulillah, they got their first choice.

To be sad, not all of them got their first choice. The worst thing, some of them got their last choice which is plant science. For the people who didn’t have a passion for the plant, they were really really depressed. Can you imagine, when you’re waiting for an important news patiently, and then you are very sure that it is good news. But then, the news is 360 totally different from what you hoped. But who we’re to change this university’s system unless we submit a letter change of programme to the Head of Department. Or withdraw from the university.

So now, we have done the orientation week @ TAWE and successfully faced the first week of the first semester in the first year of degree. I met a lot of new friends. Some of them tried to share their feelings. And Yes they cried once they knew they didn’t get the first choice. Well the truth is they are strong … to pretend to be strong.
When some of your friends pursuing their studies in the well-known courses like engineering, medical speciality, pharmacy and so on… But what about you? Plant science? Farming?
Friends, I feel you…, when you have to pretend to be strong in front of people. Believe it or not, people nowadays are so quick to judge each other. They love judging !!!!
Let me tell you a personal story. Since my passion in plant science grows day by day, so of course plant science was my first choice. And Alhamdulillah, I got it! I’m blessed beyond measure and so happy! But the happiness was not long until the problem comes. It was the mindset of people who believe that agriculture or plant course is a lowly career incapable of bringing wealth. What they desire their children to be either doctors, engineers or pilots.
The biggest trouble that I have to face almost every day is “ Mak Cik Bawang” in Malaysia. You know Mak cik bawang or modernly speaking “Auntie Onions”. So many in Malaysia , they love onioning.
I have read an article but I forgot where. The article states “ The Japanese government had spent a lot of money to change the mentality of their people. Now, Japanese graduates are no longer ashamed to become farmers ”
It’s a typical Malaysian mentality. What they think about plants? Some of them think that I want to be a gardener, working under the scorching sun, hoe the fertilizer into the soil. OMG wake up Malaysian! Broaden your mind! I can be a farmer or gardener with knowledge, a plant geneticist or a lecturer. We humans have a wide range of feelings about members of the kingdom Plantae. So Please! Never underestimate the power of nature.
I’m so lucky that my parents have been very supportive since my passion is a priority. Then, I have seniors who always give support and share tips about this course. Thank You so much, 🙂
As I grow older, I knew that the best happiness is the happiness that comes from yourself, not anyone else. You know, there was one day that I woke up early morning and then I chose to be happy. The fact is a beautiful day begins with a beautiful mindset. Then, I managed to learn that there are certain ways to live my life that will bring me happiness. The answer is sometimes, I have to stop caring about what other people think about me.
I would like to share with you about Lao Tzu quotes, “ If you care about what other people think, then you will always be their prisoner.” *correct me if I’m wrong.
For me, it’s not their life, so it’s none of their business. They don’t know what is the best part about me. What people think of me cannot change who I’m or what I’m worth unless I allow them to. And yeah, this is my life, and at the end of my day, I’m the only person who needs to carry on my life till the day I meet my Lord, Allah.
So to my friends who accidentally are in the plant science course, think again. Everyone has their own choice, fate, and destiny. Please, stop thinking what others people think about you. You have to give it try. Don’t be sad. You still have time. You deserve to be happy again. Remember, you may not understand today or tomorrow but eventually, Allah will reveal why you went through everything you did. To my friends who didn’t get what they want, I believed one day you will thank God for the door he has closed. You will be grateful that it didn’t work out for you. Guys, keep in mind God’s plans are better than our wishes. It’s not getting over, it’s about learning to accept.
Let me share you something. You know what? When I pretend to be strong, no one sees my tears except Al- Basir. When I have no one who listens, As Sami listens to me and He answers my call. When I have no shoulder to lean, no support when I’m hurt, no compassion when I’m broken, He, Al Karim loves me, heals me, supports me and takes care of me. And when everyone left, Ar – Rabb my Lord stayed and will always stay 😊 God would never give you a pain you couldn’t endure. Be patient, better days are coming.
To me, I’m not the author of my story, I’m just the main character. Yes, I can make decisions but they could always be thrown off by something. It is the “ Tawakkul”- when I have learnt to accept that there are my plans and also God’s plans for me. My plans are according to my wishes and His plans are according to His infinite wisdom. Need to trust God with all my heart and always remember that He knows what is best for me.
After 2 hours in a bus, now I’m at Dungun, one of the districts in Terengganu. InshaAllah, few kilometres more, then I will arrive in my hometown, Kuala Terengganu. That’s all that I can share with you guys. Since I forgot to bring back my laptop, and then I simply used my phone to type and publish this post, sorry if there are typos and grammatical errors.
Please choose to be happy today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow 🙂
To The Heartbreakers – You’re Stronger Than You Think.
Here’s The One Who Suffer In Silence – NAZIFAH SAIMI
Please let me know your thoughts about this :). Nak email pon boleh ajerr:)
