Salam my reader!! First of all you need to know who runs this website. Who am I? So, I’m Nazifah saimi,originally from Terengganu,Malaysia.I'm a student of international Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM or UIA.I've finished my foundation of BioScience a month ago.Currently,I’m going to pursue my studies in Degree of Bioplant in this coming August. Gulp – So nervous.

Anyway, Bioplant, as I’m sure many of you know, is a completely different as we will learn and study about plants,the God’s creature with we scarcely paying attention for. As I’m a nature lover and I have green fingers, so it’s like I’m having fun taking this course- I guess. Some of my friend chose medicine for the degree. Yeah , a doctor to be. Then, what about me ? A scientist or just a researcher. Huh . But I always remind myself don’t compare my life to others . There’s no comparison between the sun and moon because they shine when it’s their time.

So,I would like to share my biology notes here. Credit to : Me and also my senior,Kak Yaya(nursing student)I'm sorry if its not clear.

the note is about Control gene expressions, Lac Operon and Trp Operon.

This note is about Mendel. I've learned it in my first semester .

Reproduction chapter.Actually there are many notes about reproduction. but I can't post it. To those who wants these notes, kindly pm or email me.

my favourite part is something about plant. So yeahh, here about plant.

If the note is not clear,kindly email me or pm me.. So I can share the note with you clearly. Sorry for my bad handwritings.
